I guess its how this comes about that matters!
These mixed breeds in my opinion mostly produce healthier dogs than thorough breds as the gene pool of the latter are some times too narrow and a certain amount of in-breeding occurs.All in the name of keeping the various breeds "pure of course" really for the vanity and satisfaction of humans.
In-breeding also known as line-breeding can on occasion increase the trait desired and embed it in the animal so that that trait becomes more pronounced if the animal is used for further breeding and will also be present in the offspring.How ever on the other hand it also acentuates weaknesses and such animals are not as robust as those of mixed breed.
Besides some breeders purposely breeding cross breeding dogs ,on most occasions crosses occur by accident ,as owners don't keep proper control of their pets or have bitches spayed timeously or feel its cruel to do so.
One of my neighbours used to put his bitch in the garage every evening when she came on heat.He treated her very well I must add with enough clean water and letting her out during the night for toilet etc.There was a dog next door that watched this palava to keep her from becoming pregnant.He fancied her ,but was never allowed to get near.One morning when they opened the garage door out came strolling this mutt with her.He had hidden himself in the Garage the next time she came on heat!
Fancy scientists tell us dogs do everything by reptition and not by a thinking process like us.Aboulutely untrue I say!